Session 08: Basic App Porting


Configuring, Building and Running Unikraft

At this stage, you should be familiar with the steps of configuring, building and running any application within Unikraft and know the main parts of the architecture. Below you can see a list of the commands you have used so far.

kraft listGet a list of all components that are available for use with kraft
kraft up -t <appname> <your_appname>Download, configure and build existing components into unikernel images
kraft runRun resulting unikernel image
kraft init -t <appname>Initialize the application
kraft configureConfigure platform and architecture (interactive)
kraft configure -p <plat> -m <arch>Configure platform and architecture (non-interactive)
kraft buildBuild the application
kraft cleanClean the application
kraft clean -pClean the application, fully remove the build/ folder
make cleanClean the application
make propercleanClean the application, fully remove the build/ folder
make distcleanClean the application, also remove .config
make menuconfigConfigure application through the main menu
makeBuild configured application (in .config)
qemu-guest -k <kernel_image>Start the unikernel
qemu-guest -k <kernel_image> -e <directory>Start the unikernel with a filesystem mapping of fs0 id from <directory>
qemu-guest -k <kernel_image> -g <port> -PStart the unikernel in debug mode, with GDB server on port <port>


In previous sessions, you have learnt how to retrieve, configure and build applications which are already supported by Unikraft. The applications which are supported by Unikraft are located on Unikraft’s Github organization and are prefixed with app- (known colloquially as app repos or app-* as app star repos). Alternatively, when you have used the Unikraft companion command-line client kraft, you can view these supported applications by running:

$ kraft list add*
$ kraft list update
$ kraft list --apps

In this session, we dive into the ways in which you can bring an application which does not already exist within the Unikraft ecosystem. You wish to make a traditional Linux user space application (which you have access to its source code) to run using Unikraft and to be listed in the command above, and, of course, be run as a single, specialized unikernel. This tutorial shows you exactly how to do this.

The Unikraft Build Lifecycle

The lifecycle of the construction of a Unikraft unikernel includes several distinct steps:

Diagram of the overview of the Unikraft Build Process Overview of the Unikraft build process.

  1. Configuring the Unikraft unikernel application with compile-time options;
  2. Fetching the remote “origin” code of libraries;
  3. Preparing the remote “origin” code of libraries;
  4. Compiling the libraries and the core Unikraft code; and,
  5. Finally, linking a final unikernel executable binary together.

The above steps are displayed in the diagram. The Unikraft unikernel targets a specific platform and hardware architecture, which are set during the configuration step of the lifecycle.

The steps in the lifecycle above are discussed in this tutorial in greater depth. Particularly, we cover fetching, prepareing and compiling (building) “external” code which is to be used as a Unikraft unikernel application (or library for that matter).

Identifying a Candidate Application

The scope of this tutorial only covers how to bring an application to Unikraft “from first principles”; that is, before you use Unikraft, you can access the source files of the application and compile the application natively for Linux user space. You wish to compile this application against the Unikraft core and any auxiliary necessary third-party libraries in order to make it a unikernel. Classic examples of these types of applications are open-source ones, such as NGINX, Redis, etc. Of course, you can work with code which is not open-source, but again, you must be able to access the source files and the build system before you can begin.

For the sake of simplicity, this tutorial will only be targeting applications which are C/C++-based. Unikraft supports other compile-time languages, such as Golang, Rust and WASM. However, the scope of this tutorial only follows an example with a C/++-based program. Many of the principles in this tutorial, however, can be applied in the same way for said languages, with a bit of context-specific work. Namely, this may include additional build rules for target files, using specific compilers and linkers, etc.

It is worth noting that we are only targeting compile-time applications in this tutorial. Applications written a runtime language, such as Python or Lua, require an interpreter which must be brought to Unikraft first. There are already lots of these high-level languages supported by Unikraft. If you wish to run an application written in such a language, please check out the list of available applications. However, if the language you wish to run is interpreted and not yet available on Unikraft, porting the interpreter would be in the scope of this tutorial, as the steps here would cover the ones needed to bring the interpreter, which is a program after all, as a Unikraft unikernel application.

Note: In the case of higher-level languages which are interpreted, you do not need to follow this tutorial. Instead, simply mount the application code with the relevant Unikernel binary. For example, mounting a directory with python code to the python Unikraft unikernel. Please review Session 04: Complex Applications for more information on this topic.

Starting with a Linux User Space Build

For the remainder of this tutorial, we will be targeting the network utility program iperf3 as our application example we wish to bring to Unikraft. iperf3 is a benchmarking tool, and is used to determine the bandwidth between a client and server. It makes for an excellent application to be run as a Unikernel because:

  • It can run as a “server-type” application, receiving and processing requests for clients;
  • It is a standalone tool which does one thing;
  • It’s GNU Make and C-based; and,
  • It’s quite useful :)

Bringing an application to Unikraft will involve understanding some of the way in which the application works, especially how it is built. Usually during the porting process we also end up diving through the source code, and in the worst-case scenario, have to make a change to it. More on this is covered later in this tutorial.

We start by simply trying to follow the steps to compile the application from source.

Compiling the Application from Source

The README for the iperf3 program has relatively simple build instructions, and uses GNU Make which is a first good sign. Unikraft uses GNU Make to handle its internal builds and so when we see an application using Make, it makes porting a little easier. For non-Make type build systems, such as CMake, Bazel, etc., it is still possible to bring this application to Unikraft, but the flags, files, and compile-time options, etc. will have to be considered with more care as they do not necessarily align in the same ways. It is still possible to bring an application using an alternative build system, but you must closely follow how the program is built in order to bring it to Unikraft.

Let’s walk through the build process of iperf3 from its README:

  1. First we obtain the source code of the application:

    $ git clone
  2. Then, we are asked to configure and build the application:

    $ cd ./iperf
    $ ./configure;
    $ make

If this has worked for you, your terminal will be greeted with several pieces of useful information:

  1. The first thing we did was run ./configure: an auto-generated utility program part of the automake build system. Essentially, it checks the compatibility of your system and the program in question. If everything went well, it will tell us information about what it checked and what was available. Usually this “./configure"-type program will raise any issues when it finds something missing. One of the things it is checking is whether you have relevant shared libraries (e.g. .so files) installed on your system which are necessary for the application to run. The application will be dynamically linked to these shared libraries and they will be referenced at runtime in a traditional Linux user space manner. If something is missing, usually you must use your Linux-distro’s package manager to install this dependency, such as via apt-get.

    The ./configure program also comes with a useful --help page where we can learn about which features we would like to turn on and off before the build. It’s useful to study this page and see what is available, as these can later become build options (see exercise 2) for the application when it is brought to the Unikraft ecosystem. The only thing to notice for the case of iperf3 is that it uses OpenSSL. Unikraft already has a port of OpenSSL, which means we do not have to port this before starting. If, however, there are library dependencies for the target application which do not exist within the Unikraft ecosystem, then these library dependencies will need to be ported first before continuing. The remainder of this tutorial also applies to porting libraries to Unikraft.

  2. When we next run make in the sequence above, we can see the intermediate object files which are compiled during the compilation process before iperf3 is finally linked together to form a final Linux user space binary application. It can be useful to note these files down, as we will be compiling these files with respect to Unikraft’s build system.

You have now built iperf3 for Linux user space and we have walked through the build process for the application itself. In the next section, we prepare ourselves to bring this application to Unikraft.

Setting up Your Workspace

Applications which are brought to Unikraft are actually libraries. Everything in Unikraft is “libracized”, so it is no surprise to find out that even applications are a form of library: they are a single component which interact with other components; have their own options and build files; and, interact in the same ways in which other libraries interact with each other. The “main” difference between actual libraries and applications, is that we later invoke the application’s main method. The different ways to do this are covered later in this tutorial.

Creating a Boilerplate Microlibrary for Your Application

To get started, we must create a new library for our application. The premise here is that we are going to “wrap” or “decorate” the source code of iperf3 with the lingua franca of Unikraft’s build system. That is, when we eventually build the application, the Unikraft build system will understand where to get the source code files, which ones to compile and how, with respect to the rest of Unikraft’s internals and other dependencies.

Let’s first start by initializing a working environment for ourselves:

  1. Let’s create a workspace with a typical Unikraft structure using kraft:

    $ cd ~/workspace
    $ export UK_WORKDIR=$(pwd)
    $ kraft list update
    $ kraft list pull unikraft@staging

    This will generate the necessary directory structure to build a new Unikraft application, and will also download the latest staging branch of Unikraft’s core. When we list the directories, we should get something like this:

    tree -L 1
    ├── apps
    ├── archs
    ├── libs
    ├── plats
    └── unikraft
    5 directories, 0 files
  2. Let’s now create a library for iperf3. We can use kraft to initialize some boilerplate for us too. To do this, we must first retrieve some information about the program itself. First, we need to identify the latest version number of iperf3. GitHub tells us (as of the time of writing this tutorial) that this is 3.10.1.

    Unikraft relies on the ability to download the source code of the “origin” code which is about to be compiled. Usually these are tarballs or zips. Ideally, we want to have a version number in the URL so we can safely know the version being downloaded. However, if the source code is on GitHub, which it is in the case of iperf3, then kraft can figure this out for us.

    We can now use kraft to initialize a template library for us:

    $ cd ~/workspace/libs
    $ kraft lib init \
       --no-prompt \
       --author-name "Your Name" \
       --author-email "" \
       --version 3.10.1 \
       --origin \

    kraft will have now generated a new Git repository in ~/workspace/libs/iperf3 which contains some of the necessary files used to create an external library. It has also checked out the repository with a default branch of staging and created a blank (empty) commit as the base of the repository. This is standard practice for Unikraft repositories.

    Note: Our new library is called libiperf3 to Unikraft. The last argument of kraft lib init will simply prepend lib to whatever string name you give it. If you are porting a library which is called libsomething, still pass the full name to kraft, it will replace instances of liblibsomething with libsomething during the initialization of the project where appropriate.

  3. The next step is to register this library with kraft such that we can use it and manipulate it with the kraft toolchain. To do this, simply add the path of the newly initialized library like so:

    $ kraft list add ~/workspace/libs/iperf3

    This will modify your .kraftrc file with a new local library. When you have added this library directory, run the update command so that kraft can realize it:

    $ kraft list update
  4. You should now be able to start using this boilerplate library with Unikraft and kraft. To view basic information about the library and to confirm everything has worked, you can run:

    $ kraft list show iperf3

Using Your Library in a Unikraft Unikernel Application

Now that we have a library set up in iperf3’s name, located at ~/workspace/libs/iperf3, we should immediately start using it so that we can start the porting effort.

To do this, we create a parallel application which uses both the library we are porting and the Unikraft core source code.

  1. First start by creating a new application structure, which we can do by initializing a blank project:

    $ cd ~/workspace/apps
    $ kraft init iperf3
  2. We will now have a “empty” initialized project; you’ll find boilerplate in this directory, including a kraft.yaml file which will look something like this:

    $ cd ~/workspace/apps/iperf3
    $ cat kraft.yaml
    specification: '0.5'
    unikraft: staging
       - architecture: x86_84
         platform: kvm
  3. After setting up your application project, we should add the new library we are working on to the application. This is done via:

    $ kraft lib add iperf3@staging

    Note: Remember that the default branch of the library is staging from the kraft lib init command used above. If you change branch or use an alternative --initial-branch, set it in this step.

    This command will update your kraft.yaml file:

    diff --git a/kraft.yaml b/kraft.yaml
    index 33696bb..c14e480 100644
    --- a/kraft.yaml
    +++ b/kraft.yaml
    @@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ unikraft:
       - architecture: x86_64
         platform: kvm
    +  iperf3:
    +    version: staging
  4. We are ready to configure the application to use the library. It should be possible to now see the boilerplate iperf3 library within the menuconfig system by running:

    $ kraft menuconfig

    within the application folder. However, it will also be selected automatically since it is in the kraft.yaml file now if you run the configure step:

    $ kraft configure

    By default, the application targets kvm on x86_64. Adjust appropriately for your use case either by updating the kraft.yaml file or by setting it the menuconfig.

In the next section, we study the necessary files in the workspace and how we can modify them to bring iperf3 into life with Unikraft.

Providing Build Files

Now we have everything set up. We can start an iterative process of building the target unikernel with the application. This process is usually very iterative because it requires building the unikernel step-by-step, including new files to the build, making adjustments, and re-building, etc.

  1. The first thing we must do before we start is to check that fetching the remote code for iperf3 is possible. Let’s try and do this by running in our application workspace:

    $ cd ~/workspace/apps/iperf3
    $ kraft fetch

    If this is successful, we should see it download the remote zip file and we should see it saved within our Unikraft application’s build/. The directory with the extracted contents should be located at:

    $ ls -lsh build/libiperf3/origin/iperf-3.10.1/
    total 988K
     12K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.3K Jun  2 22:29 INSTALL
     12K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  12K Jun  2 22:29 LICENSE
    4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   23 Jun  2 22:29
     28K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  26K Jun  2 22:29
    8.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6.5K Jun  2 22:29
     32K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  31K Jun  2 22:29
    368K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 365K Jun  2 22:29 aclocal.m4
    4.0K -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.0K Jun  2 22:29
       0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  260 Jun  2 22:29 config
    496K -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 494K Jun  2 22:29 configure
     12K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  11K Jun  2 22:29
       0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  140 Jun  2 22:29 contrib
       0 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  280 Jun  2 22:29 docs
       0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  120 Jun  2 22:29 examples
    4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.0K Jun  2 22:29
    4.0K -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.2K Jun  2 22:29 make_release
       0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  980 Jun  2 22:29 src
    4.0K -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.9K Jun  2 22:29

    If this has not worked, you must fiddle with the preamble at the top of the library’s to ensure that correct paths are being set. Remove the build/ directory and try fetching again.

  2. Now that we can fetch the remote sources, cd into this directory and perform the ./configure step as above. This will do two things for us. The first is that it will generate (and this is very common for C-based programs) a config.h file. This file is a list of macro flags which are used to include or exclude lines of code by the preprocessor. If the program has one of these, we need it.

    iperf3 has an iperf_config.h file, so let’s copy this file into our Unikraft port of the application. Make an include/ directory in the library’s repository and copy the file:

    $ mkdir ~/workspace/libs/iperf3/include
    $ cp build/libiperf3/origin/iperf-3.10.1/src/iperf_config.h ~/workspace/libs/iperf3/include

    Let’s indicate in the of the Unikraft library for iperf3 that this directory exists:


    We’ll come back to iperf_config.h: likely it needs edits from us to turn features on or off depending on availability or applicability based on the unikernel-context. We can also wrap build options here (see exercise 2).

  3. Next, let’s run make with a special flag:

    $ cd build/libiperf3/origin/iperf-3.10.1/
    $ make -n

    This flag, -n, has just shown us what make will run; the full commands for gcc including flags. What’s interesting here is any line which start with:

    $ echo "  CC      "

    These are lines which invoke gcc. We can gather a few pieces of information here, namely the flags and list of files we need to make iperf3 a reality.

  4. Let’s start by setting global flags for iperf3. The rule of thumb here is that we copy the flags which are used in all invocations of gcc and place them within the We should ignore flags to do with optimization, PIE, shared libraries and standard libraries as Unikraft has global build options for these. Flags which are usually interesting are to do with suppressing warnings, e.g. things that start with -W, and are application-specific. There doesn’t seem to be anything immediately obvious for iperf3. However, in a later step, we’ll find out that we can set some flags. If you do have flags which are immediately obvious, you set them like so in the library port’s, for example:

    LIBIPERF3_CFLAGS-y += -Wno-unused-parameter
  5. We have a full list of files for iperf3 from step 3. We can add them as known source files like so to the Unikraft port of iperf3’s

    LIBIPERF3_SRCS-y += $(LIBIPERF3_SRC)/main.c
    LIBIPERF3_SRCS-y += $(LIBIPERF3_SRC)/cjson.c
    LIBIPERF3_SRCS-y += $(LIBIPERF3_SRC)/iperf_api.c
    LIBIPERF3_SRCS-y += $(LIBIPERF3_SRC)/iperf_error.c

    Note: The path in the variable LIBIPERF3_SRC may need to be adjusted from the boilerplate code to match the layout of the application you are porting.

    Tip: It’s best to add these files iteratively, i.e. one-by-one, and attempt the compilation process (step 5) in between adding all files. This will show you errors about what’s missing and you can accurately determine which files are truly necessary for the build. In addition to this, we can also find intermittent errors which will be the result of incompatibilities between Unikraft and the application in question (covered in the next section on making patches).

  6. Now that we have added all the source files, let’s try and build the application! This step, again, usually occurs iteratively along with the previous step of adding a new file one-by-one. Because the application has been configured and we have fetched the contents, we can simply try running the build in the Unikraft application directory:

    $ cd ~/workspace/apps/iperf3
    $ kraft build
  7. (Optional) This step occurs less frequently, but is still useful to discuss in the context of porting an application to Unikraft. Remember in the Unikraft build lifecycle that there is a step which occurs between fetching the remote origin code and compiling it. This step (3), known as prepare, is used to make modifications to the origin code before it is compiled. This may be useful for applications which have complex build systems or auxiliary files which need to be created or modified before they are built. Examples for prepareing include:

    • Running scripts which generate new source files from templates;
    • Compiling files preemptively before Unikraft starts building source files;
    • Checking for additional tools or building additional tools which are required to build the library; and,
    • Advanced patching techniques to the source files of the library which make changes to it in a non-standard way.

    Preparation is done by adding Make targets to the UK_PREPARE variable:

    UK_PREPARE += mytarget

    Checking whether the library has been prepared or adding a target which requires preparation before it can be executed is as simple as checking whether the following target exists:


    The prepare step is called naturally because of this target. However, it can be called separately from kraft via:

    $ kraft prepare

The steps outlined above helped us begin the process of porting a simple application to Unikraft. It covers the major steps involved in the process of porting “from first principles,” including addressing all the steps in the construction lifecycle of Unikraft unikernels.

There are occasional caveats to this process, however. This is to do with context of the “unikernel model,” that is, single-purpose OSes with a single address space, acting in a single process without context switches or costly syscalls. Applications developed for Linux user space make a number of assumptions about its runtime, for example:

  • That all syscalls are available (which is not the case for Unikraft, although there is significant work being done to bring more syscalls to Unikraft);
  • That the filesystem is complete;
  • That P in POSIX is not silent: Unfortunately it is and Unix-type systems do not always adhere to standards and make their own assumptions. For example, oftentimes there are differences between Linux and BSD-type OSes which need to be accounted for; and,
  • That all features are necessary.

In the next section we address how we can make changes to the application before it is compiled by the Unikraft build system in order to address the points above.

Invoking the Application’s main Method

Traditionally, and by explicit design, Linux user space code invokes a main method (or symbol) for the start-of-execution of application logic. Unikraft is similar and invokes a weak-ly attributed symbol for main in its main thread. This is done so that it can be easily overwritten so as to invoke true application-level functionality. Without any main method, the unikernel will simply boot and exit.

All applications must implement the following standard prototype for main:

/* Definition 1 */
int main(__((attribute unused))__ int argc, __((attribute unused))__ char *argv[]);
/* Definition 2 */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
/* Definition 3 */
int main(void);
  1. The first definition simply indicates that the parameters may be unused within the function body, i.e. no command-line arguments may be passed as the application makes no use of them.
  2. The second is probably more familiar, with explicit use of command-line arguments.
  3. Lastly, the third definition explicitly forgoes the use command-line arguments.

There are two ways to invoke the functionality of the application being ported to Unikraft.

Do Nothing and Let main be Invoked Automatically

If the application has a relatively simple main method with one of the prototypes defined above, we could simply leave it and it will be automatically invoked since it represents the only symbol named main in the final binary. This requires the file to be recognised and compiled however, which is done by simply adding the file with the main method to the Unikraft port of the library’s as a new _SRC-y entry.

For iperf3, this is done by compiling in main.c which contains the main method:


Manually Invoking main with Glue Code

To increase extensibility or adapt the application to the context of a unikernel, we can perform a small trick to conditionally invoke the main method of the application as a compile-time option. This is useful in different cases, for instance:

  • In some cases where the main method for the application may be relatively complex and includes boilerplate code which is not applicable to the use case of a unikernel, it is possible invoke the relevant application-level functionality by calling another method within the application’s source code (this is true in the case of, for example, the Unikraft port of Python3).

  • In other cases, we may wish to perform additional initialisation before the invocation of the application’s main method (this is true in the case of, for example, the Unikraft port of Redis).

  • We wish to use the application as a library in the future for another application, and call APIs which it may expose. In this case, we do not wish to invoke the main method as it will conflict with the other application’s main method.

In any case, we can rename the default main symbol in the application by using the gcc flag -D during the pre-processing of the file which contains the method. This flag allows us to define macros in-line, and we can simply introduce a macro which renames the main method to something else.

With iperf3, for example, we can rename the main method to iperf3_main by adding a new library-specific _FLAGS-y entry in

LIBIPERF3_IPERF3_FLAGS-y += -Dmain=iperf3_main

The resulting object file for main.c will no longer include a symbol named main. At this point, when the final unikernel binary is linked, it will simply quit. We must now provide another main method.

To conditionally invoke the application’s now renamed main method, it is common to provide a new KConfig in the Unikraft library representing the port of the application’s file, asking whether to “provide the main method”. For example, with iperf3:

	bool "Provide main function"
	default n

When this option is enabled, we can either:

  1. Disable the use of the -D flag as indicated above, conditionally in the

    LIBIPERF3_IPERF3_FLAGS-y += -Dmain=iperf3_main
  2. Or more commonly, introduce a conditional file which provides main and invokes the renamed main (now iperf3_main) method from the library, for example:


    Notice how the filename is includes the suffix |unikraft. This is used to simply rename the resulting object file, which will become

    The new main.c file as part of the library simply calls the renamed method:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       return iperf3_main(argc, argv);

Patching the Application

Patching the application occasionally must occur to address incompatibilities with the context of a Linux user space application and that of the unikernel model. It can also be used to introduce new features to the application, although this is more rare (although, here is an example).

Identifying a Change to the Application

Identifying a change to the application which requires a patch is sometimes quite subtle. The process usually occurs during steps 5 and 6 of providing build files of the application or library in question. During this process, we are expected to see compile-time and link-time errors from gcc as we add new files to the build and make fixes.

The iperf3 application port to Unikraft has four patches in order to make it work. Let’s discuss them and what they mean. The next section discusses how to create one of these patches.

  1. The first patch comes from an error which is thrown when compiling the iperf_api.c source file. This file is 3rd to be compiled from the list of complete source files. In this file, we are receiving a duplicate import of <netinent/tcp.h>, simply removing this import fixes it, so the patch addresses this issue.

  2. The second patch comes as a result of missing functionality from LwIP. The issue was discovered once the application was fully ported and was able to boot and run. When the initialization sequence was on-going between the client and server of iperf3, it would crash during this sequence because LwIP does not support setting this option. A patch was created simply to remove setting this option. (Note: this may not be the most sensible approach)

  3. The third patch arises from an assumption about the host environment and the difference between Linux user space and a unikernel. With a traditional host OS, we have a filesystem populated with known paths, for example /tmp. iperf3 assumed this path exists, however, in the case of where no filesystem is provided to the unikernel during boot, which should be possible in some cases, the iperf3 application would crash since /tmp does not exist beforehand. The patch solves this by setting the temporary (ramfs) path to /. An alternative solution is to make this path at boot.

  4. Finally, the fourth patch is once again to do with missing functionality from Unikraft. In this case, the syscalls mmap and munmap are missing. In this case, iperf3, used mmap simply to statically allocate a region of memory. The trick used here is to simply replace instances of mmap with malloc and instances of munmap with free.

    Note: At the time writing this tutorial, mmap and munmap are being actively worked on to be made available as syscalls in Unikraft.

The above patches represent example use cases where patches may be necessary to fix the application when bringing it to Unikraft. The possibilities presented in this tutorial are non-exhaustive, so take care.

The next section discusses in detail how to create a patch for the target application or library.

Preparing a Patch for the Application

When a change is identified and is to be provided as a patch to the application or library during the compilation, it can be done using the procedure identified in this section. Note that providing patches are an unfortunate workaround to the inherent differences between Linux user space applications and libraries and unikernels.

Note: When patches are created, they are also version-specific. As such, if you update the library or application’s code (i.e. by updating, for example, the version number of LIBIPER3_VERSION), patches may no longer be apply-able and will then need to be updated accordingly.

To make a patch:

  1. First, ensure that the remote origin code has been downloaded to the application’s build/ folder:

    $ cd ~/workspace/apps/iperf3
    $ kraft fetch
  2. Once the source files have been downloaded, turn it into a Git repository and save everything to an initial commit, in the case of iperf3:

    $ cd build/libiperf3/origin/iperf-3.10.1
    $ git init
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Initial commit"

    This will allow us to make changes to the source files and save those differences.

  3. After making changes, create a Git commit, where you briefly describe the change you made and why. This can be done through a number of successive steps, for example, as a result of having to make several changes to the application.

  4. After your changes have been saved to the git log, export them as patches. For example, if you have made one (1) patch only, export it like so:

    git format-patch HEAD~1

    This will save a new .patch file in the current directory; which should be the origin source files of iperf3.

  5. The next step is to create a patches/ folder within the Unikraft port of the library and to move the new .patch file into this folder:

    mkdir ~/workspace/libs/iperf3/patches
    mv ~/workspace/apps/iperf3/build/libiperf3/origin/iperf-3.10.1/*.patch ~/workspace/libs/iperf3/patches
  6. To register patches against Unikraft’s build system such that they are applied before the compilation of all source files, simply indicate it in the library’s

    # Add or edit ~/workspace/libs/iperf3/

This concludes the necessary steps to port an application to Unikraft “from first principles”.

Work Items

Support Files

Session support files are available in the repository. If you already cloned the repository, update it and enter the session directory:

$ cd path/to/repository/clone

$ git pull --rebase

$ cd content/en/docs/sessions/08-basic-app-porting/

$ ls -F  sol/  unikraft-overview.svg  work/

If you haven’t cloned the repository yet, clone it and enter the session directory:

$ git clone

$ cd content/en/docs/sessions/08-basic-app-porting/

$ ls -F  sol/  unikraft-overview.svg  work/

01. Port libfortune to Unikraft

(Uni)kernel developers often seek guidance from elders, lost man pages, wizards, source code comments and occasionally swear by the reproducible environment. But the unfortunate truth is that “bitshifts happen,” and we cannot always leverage guidance from mysterious forces.

A shared library called libfortune can offer solace in such times, providing much needed guidance to those who find themselves in the position of requiring fast boot times and secure memory isolation of an application. This library is no joke, it will save us all.

In this mission, if you choose to accept it, port libfortune to Unikraft using the steps in the tutorial above. libfortune is a simple shared library and should also demonstrate how it is possible to build a library which can be used for both Linux user space as well as Unikraft with a little bit of glue. If you are successful in porting this library, you should be able to run the app-fortune located in this session’s repository folder:

$ git clone
$ cd summer-of-code-2021/content/en/docs/sessions/08-basic-app-porting/work/01-app-fortune
$ kraft configure
$ kraft build
$ kraft run

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"It always seems impossible until it is done."
        -- Nelson Mandela

02. Add Fortunes to Unikraft’s Boot Sequence

In this task, we are diving a little deeper into Unikraft’s core and finding an opportunity to meddle with internal features which can prove handy for certain application contexts. In this case, we are going to play with Unikraft’s extensible boot sequence to provide fortunes during the boot of an application. After word got out, we found that everybody wanted fortunes, right before the application started and main() was called. This will provide the runtime of the unikernel with good fortune and save it from crashes.

Unikraft calls various “constructor” (ctor) and “initialiser” (init) methods during its boot sequence. These constructors and initialisers are located in a static section of the final binary image, ctortab and inittab, respectively. There are 7 entry points during the boot sequence:

OrderLevelRegistering methodType
11UK_CTOR_PRIO(fn, prio)ctor
21uk_early_initcall_prio(fn, prio)init
32uk_plat_initcall_prio(fn, prio)init
43uk_lib_initcall_prio(fn, prio)init
54uk_rootfs_initcall_prio(fn, prio)init
65uk_sys_initcall_prio(fn, prio)init
76uk_late_initcall_prio(fn, prio)init

New constructors and initialisers can be registered using the methods defined above at various levels (meaning they are called in that order) and at various priorities (between 0 and 9); allowing the registration of numerous constructors or initialisers at the same level. This allows application developers or library developers to correctly set up the unikernel by registering a constructor or initialiser at the right time or before or after others.

Initialisers have 6 different levels, allowing code to be injected before certain operations occur during the boot sequence. This includes, in order: before and after the platform drivers are initialised; before and after all libraries are initialised; before and after all filesystems (rootfs) are initialised; and, before and after various “system” methods are called.

The source code for this sequence is defined in ukboot.

In this task, add a new KConfig option to the Unikraft port of libfortune which allows you to enable or disable the ability to introduce a fortune during the boot sequence of a Unikernel. Demonstrate the ability of using this library by building the Unikraft port of libfortune to the Unikraft port of python3 and show a fortune before the Unikraft banner.

03. Create a Patch to Introduce a New Fortune

There is a well-known kernel quote, which should be introduced to this library as an Easter egg for unikernel users:

Kernel hacking: where the time to solve a problem is inversely proportional to the size of the resulting diff

– Anil Madhavapeddy

Please add this quote to libfortune as a patch so it is only available when used with unikernels.

04. Give Us Feedback

We want to know how to make the next sessions better. For this we need your feedback!

Last modified September 4, 2021: Fix ukstore link and add more resources (18c8d7c)